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Monday, 17 April 2017

Premature Ejaculation Cure, PE,Ed Treatment

Effective Premature Ejaculation Cure From Ayurveda

We have all experienced premature ejaculation once or twice in our life. While occasionally it can be an issue you can live with but there cannot be anything more embarrassing or unfair than it if you repeatedly fail to perform in bed.
Premature ejaculation means that your sexual pleasure is only short lived and you may not even be able to bring your partner to a climax.
It is a fact that premature ejaculation afflicts men who have infrequent sex. Lower the frequency of your sexual activity, the more prone you would be to get excited or even extra excited, when you actually do get the opportunity for sexual release. This excitement may lead to premature ejaculation. Owing to this, there is no way premature ejaculation can be separated from your sense of sexual prowess in the bed. The worst part is, this is almost cyclical. If you experience premature ejaculation, there are good chances that you may be so anxious about it during intercourse, that you may either not have an erection or you may ejaculate prematurely anyway

So What Do You Do?

Premature ejaculation is a very common complain. So the first thing you should do is breathe easy about it. If you have premature ejaculation, there is nothing wrong or over-the-top about it. It is a common condition that many men suffer from every now and then. Just because you have ejaculated prematurely today, does not mean it will happen always.

Both psychological and physiological factors come into play when you talk about premature ejaculation. Unfortunately, many men feel embarrassed talking about it and do not seek help, prolonging a condition that could have been easily cured. So the first thing is that you should talk about it with someone. Seek a doctor or a sexologist and discuss your problem with them. If you want discretion, you may try out an Ayurvedic premature ejaculation cure too.

What Are the Causes of Premature Ejaculation?

The causes are really simple, but to make them simpler they are divided into two categories.
Psychological Factors
Anxiety about intercourse,
Being in a situation in which you hurry towards a climax,
Cultural guilt related to sexual pleasure,
Erectile dysfunction,
Problems or lack of understanding between you and your partner,
Biological Factors
Hormonal problems with the thyroid gland or abnormal levels of sexual hormones in the body,
Problems with neurotransmitters in the brain, which therefore fail to carry right signals to the pleasure centers of the brain,
Problems with the reflex mechanism of your ejaculatory system,
Infection in the urethra or prostate,
Heredity, and
Damage to the nervous or sensory system due to either surgery or trauma.
Are You More Prone to Ejaculating Prematurely?
While anybody could experience this problem, some men are more prone to it than others. Here’s what can increase the risk of a premature ejaculation:

Long standing illnesses: If you have been ill for a long time, sex does not always remain pleasurable. If you are thinking about your health problems during your sexual encounter, or if your mind is not on the sexual activity you are performing, you are most likely going to end up ejaculating prematurely.
Stress: Any kind of emotional or mental stress and anxiety can lead to poor performance in bed. This is often also a risk factor for erectile dysfunction.
Medications: Some medications impair the reflex activity of your sexual organs. This means that while you are on these medications, you may have no control over your ejaculations.
Erectile dysfunction: If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, or you have trouble maintaining your erection consistently, you may be unsure of your ability to reach climax before going flaccid. This may prompt you to hurry through your sexual encounters, therefore ejaculating much before your partner can.
Could There Be Any Complications?

There are no physical or biological complications of premature ejaculation. However, if you consistently have premature ejaculation, it could put a lot of strain on your relationship. Occasionally, premature ejaculation may cause fertility problems. If you have been ejaculating too often or too prematurely, your sperm count may be low. Ejaculating prematurely may also prevent fertilization from taking place. In such a case, you may have to consider infertility treatment.

Modern Medicine for Premature Ejaculation

Modern medicine attacks premature ejaculation treatment from three different directions. The first step is usually sex therapy, in which a sex therapist will make a careful physical examination and will talk to you and your partner about your sexual life to understand the root of your sexual problems. This therapy may involve simple remedies like masturbating an hour before intercourse or any other technique which would help you delay orgasms.

The second step is medications. Along with therapy, often a lot of men require medications for their treatment. While the therapy ensures that your sexual encounters are stress free, medications ensure that your hormonal levels are in check and that you are healthy enough to have normal, pleasurable intercourse. Antidepressants and topical anesthetics may often be used for this purpose – but be warned that almost none of these drugs are medically approved for specifically treating premature ejaculation.

If you have a lot of stress or if you are depressed as well, your doctor may advise cognitive behavior therapy. This is a psychological treatment for you to be more open and less anxious about sex. Counseling and cognitive therapy is usually used in conjunction with drugs like antidepressants or mood enhancers.
How To Control Premature Ejaculation Naturally?

Fortunately, yes. You do not have to undergo extensive therapies and take a spectrum of drugs to treat your condition. Ayurveda believes premature ejaculation to be completely normal as well and therefore, there are ways to approach this problem naturally. Ayurveda Expert has created the perfect package for curing early ejaculation and unsatisfactory sexual intercourse. This package, which has to be used over a period of 3 months, helps normalize hormonal imbalance and checks your ejaculatory mechanism to ensure everything is in proper working order. This helps you improve your libido and enhance your sexual prowess. No longer would you be anxious about your sexual encounters, because this package contains natural ingredients that act as stress busters for you so that you can last longer in bed. This is the best cure for premature ejaculation because you can begin to see the results almost immediately. Additionally, there are no side effects and therefore this package can be used without any hesitation.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this informational post. It's really helpful for those people who are suffering from sexual disorders like premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction. Keep sharing! Get the best ayurvedic medicine for ED and PE online here.
